Centrifuge Applications
Centrifuges have many applications. Sharples Super Centrifuges, Sharples Tubular Bowl Centrifuges and Sharples Centrifuges have proved effective in wide range of applications which involve liquid / liquid separation, liquid /solid / liquid separation and liquid /solid separation. Listed below are some applications of Sharples centrifuges:
- Diesel fuel oil with Sharples Tubular bowl centrifuge
- Diesel lubricating oil with Sharples Super Centrifuge
- Heavy fuel oil with Sharples Centrifuge
- Turbine lubricating oil with Sharples Super Centrifuge
- Transformer oil with Sharples Centrifuge
- Switch oil with Sharples Super Centrifuge
- Rolling mill oil with Sharples AS14 Super Centrifuge
- Engine test bed oil with Sharples Tubular bowl centrifuge
- Cutting and hardening oils with Sharples Centrifuges
- Grinding and drawing oils with Sharples AS16 Centrifuge
- Hydraulic oils with Sharples AS16 Centrifuge
- Gum Clarification with Sharples AS16 Centrifuge
- Printing ink Clarification with Sharples AS26 Centrifuges

- Blood Fractionation with Sharples AS26 centrifuges
- Virus Recovery with Sharples AS26 Centrifuge
- Wine Clarification with Sharples AS16 centrifuges
- Nano Particle Separation with Sharples AS26 Centrifuge
- Polishing in Fermentation process with Sharples T1 Centrifuge
Sharples Super-D-Canter, Pennwalt Super-D-Canter and Tomoe Solid Bowl Centrifuges have proved effective in wide range of applications in the Processing Industries. From separation of dilute suspension of low solids content to dewatering and concentrating thick slurries containing large quantities of solids, the Sharples solid bowl centrifuge has attained a superior position in the solid liquid technology. Following is a list of applications successfully performed by Sharples Super-D-Canter:
Dewatering and Separation
- Animal Blood with Sharples solid bowl Decanter
- Thickened Sludge from Antibiotic plant with Sharples
- Brewers Grains
- Calcium Carbonate
- Calcium Sulphate
- Cannery Effluent with Sharples Super-D-Canter
- Chemical Intermediates with Sharples Centrifuge
- Clarification of Placenta Extract with Sharples Super-D-Canter
- Beta Naphtholate Slurry with Sharples Super-D-Canter
- Chromium Hydroxide sludge with Sharples Centrifuge
- Clay Slurry with Sharples Solid Bowl Decanter
- coal tailings with Sharples Super-D-Canter
- Cutting Oils with Sharples solid bowl centrifuges
- Dicalcium Phosphate slurry with Sharples Decanter
- Gelatine plant effluent with Sharples Centrifuges
- Graphite concentrate with Sharples Super-D-Canter
- Guanidine nitrate solids with Pennwalt Super-D-Canter
- Pulp & Paper Mill effluent sludge with Sharples Centrifuge
- Precipitated Silica with Sharples Super-D-Canter
- Prim/Sec sludges from Sewage plant with Sharples
- Salt slurry with Sharples solid bowl Decanter
- Sodium Nitrite Slurry with Sharples solid bowl centrifuge
- Spent brine sludge with Sharples solid bowl centrifuge
- Distillery Stillage with Sharples Super-d-Canter
- Drilling MUD
- Dye Stuffs
- Effluent sludge dewatering with Sharples Solid bowl Decanters
- Electroplating Solutions
- Enzyme Harvesting
- Ethanol Stillage Dewatering
- Fine Chemicals
- Fish Liquors
- Food processing effluents
- Fruit Juices and Pulps
- Industrial effluents
- Inedible Talloe
- Instant Tea
- Insulin tissue separation
- Lactose
- Municipal Sewage
- Nuclear Effluents
- Oil Field
- Paper Mill Effluents
- Petrochemical effluent sludge dewatering with Sharples Decanter
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pigments
- Polymers
- Polystyrene
- PVC Dewatering
- Refinery Effluent
- Removal of wax from Electrolytic Manganese dioxide with Sharples
- Aluminum Silicate with Sharples Solid Bowl Decanter
- Precipitated iron oxide with Sharples Solid bowl centrifuge
- Sodium Sulphate from Acetane with Sharples Centrifuge
- Salicylic acid from its aqueous acidic slurry with Sharples
- Suspended solids from distiller effluent with Sharples
- Tobacco from its aqueous slurry with Sharples centrifuge
- Agrumus Slurry with Sharples Solid Bowl Centrifuge
- Slop Oil Pretreatment
- Sodium Sulphate
- Synthetic Fibers
- Titanium dioxide
- Vegetable Oil Refining plants with Sharples Super Centrifuges
Call Separation today at 516-621-6510 or
inquire about your centrifuge service and equipment needs.